• 1 Chronicles 22:6

    Then he called for Solomon his son, and charged him to build an house for the LORD God of Israel.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:7

    And David said to Solomon, My son, as for me, it was in my mind to build an house unto the name of the LORD my God:

  • 1 Chronicles 22:8

    But the word of the LORD came to me, saying, Thou hast shed blood abundantly, and hast made great wars: thou shalt not build an house unto my name, because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:9

    Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon,a and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:10

    He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:11

    Now, my son, the LORD be with thee; and prosper thou, and build the house of the LORD thy God, as he hath said of thee.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:12

    Only the LORD give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the LORD thy God.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:13

    Then shalt thou prosper, if thou takest heed to fulfil the statutes and judgments which the LORD charged Moses with concerning Israel: be strong, and of good courage; dread not, nor be dismayed.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:14

    Now, behold, in my troubleb I have prepared for the house of the LORD an hundred thousand talents of gold, and a thousand thousand talents of silver; and of brass and iron without weight; for it is in abundance: timber also and stone have I prepared; and thou mayest add thereto.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:15

    Moreover there are workmen with thee in abundance, hewers and workersc of stone and timber, and all manner of cunning men for every manner of work.

  • 1 Chronicles 22:16

    Of the gold, the silver, and the brass, and the iron, there is no number. Arise therefore, and be doing, and the LORD be with thee.

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