Verse 22. _WHO DID NO SIN_] He suffered, but not on account of any
evil he had either _done_ or _said_. In _deed_ and _word_ he was
immaculate, and yet he was exposed to suffering; expect the same, an...
WHO DID NO SIN - Who was in all respects perfectly holy. There is an
allusion here to Isaiah 53:9; and the sense is, that he was entirely
innocent, and that he suffered without having committed any cr...
CHAPTER 2:11-3:9
_ 1. Abstinence and submission (1 Peter 2:11)_
2. Christ the pattern for those who suffer (1 Peter 2:18)
3. Glorifying Christ in the marriag...
This is one of the noblest passages in the NT _on_ the real meaning of
service. It raised the position of slave at one moment to the highest
honour. A man could take all degradation out of it, for he...
SIN. App-128. Compare John 8:40. 2Co 5:21. 1 John 3:5.
NEITHER. Greek. _oude._ verse quoted from Isaiah 53:9....
_Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth_ It is
suggestive as indicating the line of prophetic interpretation in which
the Apostle had been led on, that as soon as he begins to speak of t...
B. SOCIAL DUTIES. 1 Peter 2:13 to 1 Peter 3:12
13 This warfare against heathen principles of living does not mean
the subversion of the necessary bonds of society. Rather it deepens
and intensifies...
ΑΜΑΡΤΊΑ (G266) грех,
ΈΠΟΊΗΣΕΝ _aor. ind. act. от_ ΠΟΙΈΩ (G4160)
("делать грех") означает грешить,
ΕΥΡΈΘΗ _aor. ind. pass. от_ ΕΎΡΊΣΚΩ (G2147)
ΔΌΛΟΣ обман ...
1 Peter 2:19. _This is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God
endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye
be buffeted for your...
NEITHER WAS GUILE, &C.— In the Eastern languages, _righteousness_
and _truth_ are put one for another; and so are _wickedness_ and
_falsehood,_ or _deceit._ By _guile_ therefore we may here understand...
_2. TOWARD MASTERS 2:18-25_
1 Peter 2:18 Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all fear;
not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
_Expanded Translation_
You domestic serv...
Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
Christ's well doing (), though suffering.
DID, [aorist] - 'Never in a single instance' (Alford), from , end,
NEITHER - nor yet....
His conduct was without a fault.
No false word was by him uttered, hence he suffered without cause. The
sufferings endured by Christ...
21 Following in the footprints left by our Lord while He was on earth
is often taken as the ideal of human deportment for believers in
Christ. And so it is-for the Circumcision, to whom Peter writes....
2:22 mouth; (h-11) See Isaiah 53:9 ....
V1 Therefore stop all evil behaviour. Do not cheat people. Do not
pretend to be better than you are. Do not be jealous. Stop saying bad
WHO DID NO SIN. — This verse is not to be taken by itself, but in
the closest conjunction with the following. It is not the sinlessness
of Christ by itself that is here set as an example before the
1 Peter 1:22; 1 Peter 2:1
THAT holy lives have been lived in solitude none would venture to
dispute, and that devout Christians have found...
= Isaiah 43:9, ἁμ. being put for ἀνομίαν (חמם) and
εὑρ. δόλος (so [149] c [150] [151]
[152], etc.) for δόλον (= Heb.) of LXX. The latter variation is
due to conjunction of Zephaniah 3:13, οὐ μὴ εὑρεθ...
1 Peter 2:18
The argument from this point seems to be: Since you have been
redeemed, live worthily of your heavenly calling in relation to your
fellow-believers, to G...
In order to obey the injunctions, those to whom Peter writes are urged
to put away all such things as are contrary to the spirit of love. In
order to do this they will long for the sustenance of the W...
Peter, in 2:22, quoted from the LXX rendering of Isaiah 53:9. Woods
says the word translated "committed no" is from the Greek meaning
never even once. Kelcy...
For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us,
leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: (22) Who did
no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: (23) Who, when...
The epistles of Peter are addressed to the elect Jews of his day,
believing of course on the Lord Jesus, and scattered throughout a
considerable portion of Asia Minor. The apostle takes particular car...
‘For even hereunto were ye called; because Christ also suffered for
us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps: Who did no
sin, neither was guile foun...
22_Who did no sin _This belongs to the present subject; for, if any
one boasts of his own innocence, he must know that Christ did not
suffer as a malefactor. He, at the same time, shews how far we com...
Thus cleansed therefore and born of the word, they were to put off all
fraud, hypocrisy, envy, slander; and, as new-born babes, to seek for
this milk of the understanding, in order to grow thereby (fo...
WHO DID NO SIN,.... He was in the likeness of sinful flesh; he looked
like a sinful man, being born of a sinful woman, and keeping company
with sinful men, being himself a man of sorrows, greatly affl...
Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
Ver. 22. _Who did no sin_] St Paul saith, "He knew no sin," 2
Corinthians 5:21, to wit, with a practical knowledge (we know no more
than we pract...
_For even hereunto_ Namely, to suffer wrongfully, and to bear such
treatment with patience and meekness; _are ye_ Christians _called;
because Christ_ Whose followers you profess to be, pure and spotle...
The inspiring example of Christ:...
Ch.2: 1 Timothy 6
Since the Word of God is the solid foundation of all, eternal blessing
for us, it surely follows that we should gladly lay aside all that is
contrary to It. Indeed, these evils list...
_ 1 Peter 2:22 ‘Who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in
His mouth;'_
‘WHO COMMITTED NO SIN' -Quotation from Isaiah 2:9. ‘Who'-Jesus.
‘Committed no sin'-Aorist tense, ‘never in. single insta...
18-25 Servants in those days generally were slaves, and had heathen
masters, who often used them cruelly; yet the apostle directs them to
be subject to the masters placed over them by Providence, wit...
i.e. There was no guile in his mouth; it is a Hebraism; to be found is
the same as to be, and not to be found the same as not to be, GENESIS
2:20 ISAIAH 39:2: see ROMANS 7:10. This signifies Christ's...
Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians "who did no sin, neither was
guile found in His mouth,"[49]
Tertullian An Answer to the Jews
should be "cursed by God," because his own sins were the cause of...
1 Peter 2:22 Who G3739 committed G4160 (G5656) no G3756 sin G266 Nor
G3761 deceit G1388 found G2147 (G5681) in G1722 His G846 mouth G4750
did - Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:4, Matthew 27:19,...
‘Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth, who, when he
was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered he threatened not;
but committed himself to him who judges righteously,'
Let them i...
The household is next dealt with as an institution obviously included
under the ‘every ordinance of man' (1 Peter 2:13). And in the house
the duty of servants is first declared. The bond-servant forme...
(ος αμαρτιαν ουκ εποιησεν). Quotation from Isaiah
53:9. He has already expressed the sinlessness of Christ in 1 Peter
1:19. The next clause is a combination of Isaiah 53:9; Zephaniah...
(_ See Scofield) - (Romans 3:23). _...
1 Peter 2:21
Christ our Example.
I. While our salvation is specifically described as the effect of our
Lord's greatest obedience that is, His death yet, viewing the subject
of redemption generally,...
1 Peter 2:1. _Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and
hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes,
desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: if...
CONTENTS: Exhortation to holiness and growth in view of Christ's great
sacrifice. Christ's vicarious sufferings.
CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Peter.
CONCLUSION: The Word of God is the proper and necessa...
1 Peter 2:4. _To whom coming as to a living stone._ The jews boasted
of their temple, an undisputed blessing. But when the christians fled
from Jerusalem, they took the true, the living temple with th...
HE COMMITTED NO SIN. Note the emphasis on the sinlessness of Christ.
Peter uses the same language as Isaiah 53:9 Septuagint. Compare 1
Peter 1:19....
1 PETER—NOTE ON 1 PETER 2:22 This crucial verse emphasizes
Christ’s sinlessness (COMMITTED NO SIN) and his substitutionary
death for sinners (compare 1 Peter 3:18; see also Isaiah 52:13).
Jesus’ freed...
1 Peter 2:18. SERVANTS.—Slaves. Many of the early Christians came
from the ranks of slaves, or freedmen. And their freedom in Christ
made their bondage to an earthly m...
1 PETER 2:1
WHEREFORE LAYING ASIDE. Those who would wear the white robe of
regeneration must lay aside the filthy garments (Zechariah 3:3) of the
old carnal life. So St. Paul bids us put...
Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisy, and
all envying, and all evil speakings (1 Peter 2:1),
Set these things aside, we're to love one another with a pure heart
1 John 2:1; 1 John 3:5; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews
7:26; Hebrews 7:27; Hebrews 9:28; Isaiah 53:9; John 1:47; John 8:46;...
Found [ε υ ρ ε θ η]. Stronger than the simple was, and
indicating a guilelessness which had stood the test of scrutiny.
Compare Matthew 26:60; John 18:38; John 19:4; John 19:6. Christ's
sinlessness ha...
In all these instances the example of Christ is peculiarly adapted to
the state of servants, who easily slide either into sin or guile,
reviling their fellowservants, or threatening them, the natural...
Our apostle proceeds to represent and recommend our Lord Jesus Christ
as the mirror and perfect pattern of patience under the sharpest
sufferings; he acquaints us,
1. With his pure and spotless innoc...