Verse 12. _I THANK CHRIST_] I feel myself under infinite obligation to
Christ who hath _strengthened me_, ενδυναμωσαντι, who
hath _endued me with various miraculous gifts_ of his Holy Spirit, and
AND I THANK CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD - The mention of the gospel 1
Timothy 1:11, and of the fact that it was committed to him, leads the
apostle to express his gratitude to him who had called him to the...
_ 1. The salutation (1 Timothy 1:1)_
2. The charge concerning false doctrine (1 Timothy 1:3)
3. The law, its use, and in contrast with gr...
FURTHER DIGRESSION ON GOD'S MERCY. The connexion is not obvious. P.
Ewald has suggested that 1 Timothy 1:12 has been displaced and should
properly follow 1 Timothy 1:12. It is, however, in keeping wit...
THE ROYAL COMMAND (1 Timothy 1:1-2)...
AND. Omit.
THANK. Literally. have thanks (App-184.) to.
BATH. Omit.
ENABLED. Greek. endanamoe. See Acts 9:22.
MINISTRY. App-190....
Faithful Ministry. Timothy is further reminded of St Paul's own
Calling and Commission
12. This strong feeling quite accounts for the abruptness with which
once again (after many other utterances of...
Before χάριν, the rec. text with D2KL inserts καί, which would
be quite in accordance with Pauline usage; it is, however, omitted by
אAGP f g.
א* and some cursives have ἐνδυναμοῦντι (as in
ΈΧΩ (G2192) _praes. ind. act._ иметь,
ΧΆΡΙΝ ΈΧ "я благодарю"
ΈΝΔΥΝΑΜΏΣΑΝΤΙ _aor. act. part. от_ ΈΝΔΥΝΑΜΌΩ
(G1743) усиливать, давать силу, давать
возможность. _Aor._ означает, что автор
имеет в виду...
WHO HATH ENABLED ME,— "Who hath qualified me with so many, and such
extraordinary spiritual gifts and miraculous powers, to enable me for
so great and blessed an undertaking," See Acts 1:8. Doddridge...
_TEXT 1:12-17_
12 I thank him that enabled me, even Christ Jesus our Lord, for that
he counted me faithful, appointing me to his service; 13 though I was...
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he
counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;
The honour of having the Gospel ministry committed to him suggests the
3 Translators have experienced much difficulty with this opening
sentence, because it seemed to lack the principal verb. The A V adds _
so do_, the Revisers _ so do I now_. It is very seldom that any...
1:12 thank (k-3) Or 'I am thankful to him who has given me power ( _
dunamis_ ), Christ Jesus our Lord.' him (a-22) Or 'appointing me to
ministry ( _ diakonia_ ), who.'...
1, 2. Salutation. An apostle] St. Peter and St. John, with regard to
whose position no question was raised, are content to call themselv...
The record in the book of Acts ends with the *apostle Paul in prison
in *Rome. That was about AD 60 and he was there f...
rendered, _who hath given me strength within._ The ancient authorities
here are divided; the majority omit the first word of the verse,...
This parenthetical thanksgiving, which is quite in St. Paul's manner,
is suggested by ὃ ἐπιστεύθην ἐγώ. _Cf._ 1 Corinthians
15:9 _sqq._, Ephesians 3:8.
χάριν ἔχω : see note on 2 Timothy 1:3.
1 Timothy 1:12
The Apostle breaks off into expressions of heartfelt thanks to God for
the abounding grace which had overcome his former obstinacy and
This letter is an apostle's letter to a young minister having
oversight of the church in Ephesus. The first part of the letter deals
with the Church, its doctrine, its devotions, and its ministry.
THANKING GOD FOR HIS GRACIOUS GIFT No one understood the impact of sin
on his life like the apostle Paul did (Romans 7:24-25). Grateful for
the salvation afforded him through Christ and the opportunit...
(11) And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath (g) enabled me, for
that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;
(11) He maintains of necessity his apostleship against some that did
(12) В¶ And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for
that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; (13) Who
was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I...
1 Timothy 1:1-20. We enter now on the confidential communications of
the apostle to some of his fellow-labourers, and tonight on the
epistles to Timothy. The two have much in common, but they have als...
‘The gospel … which was committed to my trust.’
1 Timothy 1:11
The gospel of the glory of the Blessed God, says St. Paul, was
committed to my trust. Nothing moved the Apos...
12_I give thanks _Great is the dignity — of the apostleship, which
Paul has claimed for himself; and he could not, looking at his former
life, be accounted at all worthy of so high an honor. According...
The Epistles to Timothy and Titus have naturally a peculiar bearing
and character, being addressed to persons deputed by the apostle to
act in his name, or to care for the churches during his absence....
AND I THANK JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, c. l The subject matter of this
thanksgiving being the apostle's call to the ministry of the word, and
his furniture and fitness for it, shows, that while others wer...
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he
counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;
Ver. 12. _Who hath enabled me_] Christ sends none but whom he gifts.
_Asinos ele...
_And I thank Christ Jesus_ Here _thanksgiving_, an important branch of
divine worship, is addressed to the Lord Jesus; _who hath enabled me,
for that he counted me faithful_ The meaning is, I thank hi...
COUNTED ME FAITHFUL; counted him a proper person to be put into the
ministry, and enabled him to discharge its duties....
And I thank Christ Jesus, our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that He
counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,...
The apostleship of Paul is shown here to be no light matter. His was a
call totally independent of the other apostles, but "according to the
command of God." We have, therefore, no liberty to regard h...
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he
counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;
1. Enabled - Are Christians enabled? What are we able to do? What
limitations ar...
Paul's example is. tremendous illustration of the power of the
glorious gospel (1 Timothy 1:11). The Law of Moses did not produce the
great apostle nor his conversion but the gospel of Jesus Christ di...
12-17 The apostle knew that he would justly have perished, if the Lord
had been extreme to mark what was amiss; and also if his grace and
mercy had not been abundant to him when dead in sin, working f...
Here St. Paul expresses his most humble and solemn thanks to Christ
for his rich favour in calling him to the high office of all apostle,
for by THE MINISTRY that is to be understood; and it is so cal...
1 Timothy 1:12 And G2532 thank G2192 (G5719) G5485 Christ G5547 Jesus
G2424 our G2257 Lord G2962 who G3588 enabled G1743 (G5660) me G3165
because G3754 counted G2233 (G5662) me G3165 faithful G4103 pu...
1 Timothy 1:12. WHO HATH ENABLED ME. The order of the Greek is more
emphatic. ‘I _give thanks to Him who gave me power, to Christ Jesus
our Lord.'_ It is significant that the same word is used by Luke...
(χαριν εχω). "I have gratitude to." Common phrase (Luke 17:9),
not elsewhere in Paul.THAT ENABLED ME
(τω ενδυναμωσαντ με). First aorist active articular
participle of ενδυναμοω. Late verb...
1 Timothy 1:12
In the text we have
I. A humiliating and painful recollection. Men should diligently study
the true uses of the past. The past is rightly used (1) when it
deepens our sense of persona...
1 Timothy 1:1. _Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of
God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope;_
Christ is our hope; we have not a shadow of a hope apart from him. I...
CONTENTS: Legalism and unsound teaching rebuked.
CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Timothy, Alexander, Satan, Hymenaeus
CONCLUSION: Witnesses of Christ must not only be charged to preach the
true Gospel doct...
1 Timothy 1:1. _Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment
of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ._ Beza cites here the
reading of the Complute polyglot bible, made under the patronage of...
WHO HAS GIVEN ME STRENGTH. "I cannot talk about my part in preaching
the gospel without thanking God for forgiving my sins and mistakes,
and for appointing me to serve Him and giving me the strength t...
1 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 1 TIMOTHY 1:3 Confronting the False Teaching. Paul
charges Timothy to deal with the false teachers (vv. 1 Timothy 1:3).
Next he briefly corrects their understanding of the law (vv. 1...
1 Timothy 1:12. HE COUNTED ME FAITHFUL.—For the very reason that he
had been “a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious,” the
Jerusalem Christians looked askance at...
_Christ Jesus _for _Jesus Christ_,_ _A.V. and T.R.; _according to _for
_by_,_ _A.V.; _Christ Jesus our hope _for _Lord Jesus Christ_,_ which
is our hope_,_ _A.V. and T.R. For...
Ver. 12. The thought of such a gospel having been committed to him one
so unworthy in himself of having _any_ treasure of God entrusted to
him leads the apostle to recall with adoring gratitude the tr...
First Timothy.
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour
(1 Timothy 1:1),
And the Greek word is "the royal commandment" of God; it's a word that
is used when a king had...
1 Corinthians 15:10; 1 Corinthians 7:25; 1 Timothy 1:11; 2 Corinthians
12:10; 2 Corinthians 12:9; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 3:6; 2
Corinthians 4:1;...
Hath enabled [ε ν δ υ ν α μ ω σ α ν τ ι]. An unclassical
word, found in Paul and Acts. See Acts 9:22; Philippians 4:13. Three
times in the Pastorals. Counted [η γ η σ α τ ο]. A common
Pauline word.
I thank Christ, who hath enabled me, in that he accounted me faithful,
having put me into the ministry — The meaning is, I thank him for
putting me into the ministry, and enabling me to be faithful th...