• 2 Chronicles 3:14

    And he made the vail of blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen, and wroughtf cherubims thereon.

  • 2 Chronicles 3:15

    Also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high,g and the chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits.

  • 2 Chronicles 3:16

    And he made chains, as in the oracle, and put them on the heads of the pillars; and made an hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.

  • 2 Chronicles 3:17

    And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin,h and the name of that on the left Boaz.

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