• 2 Kings 6:9

    And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down.

  • 2 Kings 6:10

    And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice.

  • 2 Kings 6:11

    Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?

  • 2 Kings 6:12

    And one of his servants said, None, my lord,c O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.

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