Verse Acts 28:14. _WHERE WE FOUND BRETHREN_] That is, _Christians_;
for there had been many in Italy converted to the faith of Christ,
some considerable time before this, as appears from St. Paul's ep...
BRETHREN - Christian brethren. But by whom the gospel had been
preached there is unknown....
_ 1. In the Island of Melita (Acts 28:1)._
2. The arrival in Rome (Acts 28:11).
3. Paul calling the chief of the Jews and his message (Acts 28:17).
Melita, which means “honey,” is the i...
JOURNEY FROM MALTA TO ROME.Three months brings us to the middle of
February, which is before the opening of navigation. They had
doubtless seen the _Dioscuri,_ Heavenly Twins, a ship like that in
WELCOME AT MALTA (Acts 28:1-6)...
DESIRED. entreated. Greek. _parakaleo._ App-134.
WITH. Greek. _epi_. App-104., but the texts read _para_ (xii. 2).
WENT. came.
TOWARD. Greek. _eis_. App-104. Rome was used in. more extended sense
_where we found brethren_ i.e. there was a Christian Church
established in Puteoli, and it was to such a degree well known, that
the Apostle on his arrival at once learnt of its existence. From this
_PAUL FINALLY REACHED ROME ACTS 28:11-16:_ They were on the Island for
three months. They departed for Italy on a ship of Alexandria, which
had wintered there, whose sign was Castor and Pollux “The Tw...
ΟΎ (G3757) где.
ΕΎΡΌΝΤΕΣ _aor. act. part. (conymcme.)_ от ΕΥΡΊΣΚΩ
(G2147) находить,
ΠΑΡΕΚΛΉΘΗΜΕΝ _aor. ind. pass. от_ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΈΩ
(G3870) просить, требовать; "мы были
приглашены" (LC). Возможно, Лука...
AT RHEGIUM. Acts 28:13 a.
Acts 28:13
And from thence we made a circuit, and arrived at Rhegium:
IN PUTEOLI. Acts 28:13 b, Acts 28:14.
Acts 28:13 b
and after one day a south wind sprang up, a...
See notes on verse 11...
Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven
days: and so we went toward Rome.
Where we found brethren - implying, probably, that it was an agreeable
surprise to them to find...
9 Three months busy with blessing thus came out of the catastrophe.
Had the ship wintered in Cnidus, as they had wished, or at Ideal
Harbors, as Paul proposed, the ship and cargo might indeed have bee...
17-40. Disturbances in the Temple. St Paul arrested....
V1 We arrived on the shore. We discovered that the island was called
Malta. V2 The people who lived there...
WHERE WE FOUND BRETHREN. — The fact is significant as showing, in
the absence of any distinct record, the extent to which the new
society had been silently spreading. Who had been the agents in
ἀδελφούς, see on Acts 1:15, they may have been from
Alexandria, as the commerce between it and Puteoli was so
considerable; the absence of the article indicates that the writer
knew nothing of their p...
Acts 28:11
Paul went toward Rome, as we have seen, under very different
circumstances from those that he originally anticipated; but, after
all, they gave him the great...
On land new perils threatened. While gathering sticks for a fire, a
viper fastened on the apostle's hand. Shaking it off, he was unharmed.
This convinced those who watched that he was divine, and they...
Paul's Completes His Journey to Rome!
They set sail aboard another Alexandrian ship after three months,
likely after the worst of the winter storms were over. Their first
stop was at Syracuse, then R...
(8) Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven
days: and so we went toward Rome.
(8) God bows and bends the hearts even of profane men, as it pleases
him to show favour to his...
And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had
wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. (12) And
landing at Syracuse, we tarried there three days. (13) And from t...
The closing Chapter s from 21 to the end of the book are devoted to an
episode full of interest and profit Paul's course from Jerusalem to
Rome. And here we find ourselves in an atmosphere considerabl...
At Melita we find him again exercising his accustomed power among that
barbarous people. One sees that God is with him. Evangelisation does
not, however, appear in the account of his sojourn there, or...
WHERE WE FOUND BRETHREN,.... Christians; which is not to be wondered
at, since it was a port much frequented, and where many came and went,
of different countries and nations; particularly there were...
Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven
days: and so we went toward Rome.
Ver. 14. _Seven days_] For mutual enjoyment of one another; there
being no such comfort upon earth...
_From thence we fetched a compass_ Coasted round the eastern shore of
Sicily; _and came to Rhegium_ A town on the Italian shore, opposite to
Messina in Sicily; _and after one day_ Having a favourable...
From Melita to Rome:...
Very soon contacting inhabitants, they found that the island was
called Melita, present day Malta. The people are called "barbarous,"
which only means they were not Greek or Jewish -- not the cultured...
1. There are brethren here. How did a church start here? We do not
know. We know that there were Christ...
"There are Christians in Puteoli! How much the teachings of Jesus have
been spreading through the empire is indicated by notes like this. The
gospel had been preached for some time in Italy, and congr...
11-16 The common events of travelling are seldom worthy of being
told; but the comfort of communion with the saints, and kindness shown
by friends, deserve particular mention. The Christians at Rome...
WHERE WE FOUND BRETHREN; Christians, as some think, for so they
mutually called one another. But it is not so probable that any should
profess Christianity so near unto Rome, and that it should be no...
Acts 28:14 where G3757 found G2147 (G5631) brethren G80 invited G3870
(G5681) stay G1961 (G5658) with G1909 them G846 seven G2033 days G2250
And G2532 so G3779 went G2064 (G5627) toward G1519 Rome G45...
‘And on the second day we came to Puteoli, where we found brethren,
and were entreated to tarry with them seven days. And so we came to
Sailing time was good and on the second day they arrived...
Acts 28:14. WHERE WE FOUND BRETHREN. We know from Romans 16, and
indeed from the mere existence of the Epistle to the Romans, that the
Christian ‘brethren' were at this time numerous in the metropolis...
(ου ευροντες αδελφους). Possibly from Alexandria,
but, as Blass observes, it is no more strange to find "brethren" in
Christ in Puteoli when Paul arrives than in Rome. There...
Acts 28:14
We have here:
I. The accomplishment of a long-cherished purpose by the Apostle. From
an early date in his ministry his heart had been set on visiting the
imperial city. Take heart then, m...
Acts 28:1. _And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island
was called Melita. And the barbarous people shewed us no little
kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, bec...
CONTENTS: The landing at Melita. Miracle of the viper's bite. Healing
of Publius' father. Paul's arrival at Rome and his ministry there to
the Jews. Paul turns to the Gentiles.
CHARACTERS: Jesus, Hol...
Acts 28:1. _Melita,_ now Malta. This island seems to have been
inhabited by runaways, for _melim,_ in the language of Carthage, is to
escape. It was inhabited by a colony of refugees from Carthage, a...
AFTER THREE MONTHS. This would be either February or March. The worst
weather would be over. THE Twin GODS. This is the literal translation.
Castor and Pollux were known as "The Twin Gods," and were f...
_And when they were escaped then they knew._
A great many things are clearer today than they were last night.
Tomorrow will clear up some of the mysteries of today. Weird shapes...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 28:14 The presence of BROTHERS at Puteoli shows
that Christianity had reached Rome by this time (c. A.D. 60) and was
widely known in Italy. Luke’s comment, SO WE CAME TO ROME, may se...
Acts 28:11. AFTER THREE MONTHS.—The departure from Malta took place
in the following spring, probably towards the end of January—and
once more in an Alexandrian ship (compare Acts...
ACTS 28:1
We for _they, _A.V. and T.R. (twice). WAS CALLED. It reads as if it
was the answer to their question to the natives, "What is this island
called?" MELITA. That Melita is the isla...
Tonight we'd like to just go through the twenty-eighth chapter of Acts
and finish this book so that next Sunday night we move into the first
two Chapter s of Romans. That's your reading assignment for...
Acts 19:1; Acts 20:6; Acts 21:4; Acts 21:7; Acts 21:8; Acts 9:42; Acts
9:43; Genesis 7:4; Genesis 8:10; Matthew 10:11;...