Rejoice evermore.

In order to "rejoice evermore" we must "pray without ceasing." He who thanks God for all things as happening for the best, will have continuous joy (Theophylact). Philippians 4:4; Philippians 4:6, "Rejoice in the Lord;" Romans 14:17, "in the Holy Spirit" (who is, the originating cause, 1 Thessalonians 1:6, as well as the 'sphere of joy:' faith lays hold of and keeps it, Philippians 1:25); Romans 12:12, "in hope;" Acts 5:41, 'in being counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ's name;' James 1:2, in falling "into divers temptations." 'Pray [ adialeiptoos (G89)] without intermission:' not allowing prayerless gaps to intervene between the times of prayer. Cherish the spirit of prayer; let devotion be the chief business of life (Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2).

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