I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold, (I speak foolishly,) I am bold also.

As concerning reproach - rather, 'by way of self-disparagement.' I speak as though the allegation were true, that [ legoo (G3004) hoos (G5613) hoti (G3754)] WE 'were weak' when with you, in not, like them, exalting ourselves at your expense (2 Corinthians 11:20). Irony. Billroth, 'By way of reproach (he does not add to you and your teachers, leaving their own self-respect to supply the ellipsis), I speak in consequence of the allegation that [ hoos (G5613) hoti (G3754)] we were weak.' But the "reproach" [ atimia (G819)] must refer to the same person, as the only pronoun expresses-namely, "WE:" "reproach" is explained by 'we were weak.' The "WE" is contrasted with the false teachers who so oppressively displayed their power. Howbeit (we are not really weak; for) whereinsoever any is bold, etc., I am bold also.

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