Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;

The beating by Roman magistrates at Philippi () is the only one recorded in Acts, which does not give a complete biography, but only a sketch of his life in connection with the design of the book-namely, to give an outline of church history from its foundation at Jerusalem to the period of its reaching Rome, the capital of the Gentile world.

Once was I stoned ().

Thrice I suffered shipwreck - before the shipwreck at Melita, (Acts 27:1.) Probably in some of his voyages from Tarsus, where he stayed for some time after his conversion, and from which, as being a seafaring place, he was likely to make missionary voyages to adjoining places (; ; ).

A night and a day ... in the deep - probably swimming, or in an open boat.

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