And they went to bury her: but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.

Found no more of her than the skull ... The dog has a rooted aversion to prey on the human hands and feet. On Jehu's assumption of the royal authority, he commanded the palace attendants of Jezebel to throw her out of the open lattice from which she was observing the entrance of the regicide. Having spent some time in taking refreshments, he began to talk over the events of the day, particularly the tragic end of Jezebel, and apprehending that he had treated her with an indignity unbecoming her royal rank, he gave orders that her remains should receive a burial suitable to the station of one who had been the daughter, wife, and mother of a king. But his servants, on approaching the scene of the fatal catastrophe, "found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palm of her hands." It is evident from the history that Jehu had no design to cooperate in the confirmation of prophecy. For until he received this information, he had no recollection of the sentence pronounced against her. Then, indeed, it occurred to his mind.

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