But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands:

But the sons of Belial, х uwbªliya`al (H1100)] - worthlessness, wickedness = wicked men (cf. Deuteronomy 13:13).

Shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands. The enemies of Israel are represented as "thorns," Numbers 33:55; and so the enemies of the Messiah's kingdom are here described under the same image. 'Shall be thrust away' х munaad (H5074), participle, Hophal, naadad (H5074), to move, to flee away], 'shall be put to flight;' referring to the men, not to the thorns. Since thorns are extirpated out of a land which is about to be brought under culture, so wicked men will disappear from the kingdom of the Messiah-the wicked enemies and persecutors of this kingdom of righteousness. They resemble those prickly thorny plants which are twisted together, whose spires point in every direction, and are so sharp and strong that they cannot be touched or approached without danger; but hard instruments and violent means must be taken to destroy or uproot them. So God will remove or destroy all who are opposed to this kingdom.

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