That strengtheneth the spoiled against the strong, so that the spoiled shall come against the fortress. That strengtheneth the spoiled - literally, spoil, or devastation: hence, the person spoiled. Winer, Maurer, and the best modern critics, translate, 'maketh devastation (or destruction) suddenly to arise-literally, maketh it to gleam forth llke the dawn [ baalag (H1082)]. Ancient versions support the English version. The Hebrew is elsewhere used, to make to shine, to make glad; and as the English version here (Psalms 39:13, Hebrew Bible). Pusey translates, 'that maketh devastation to smile on the strong.' The smile of derision and wrath marking the ease wherewith those fancying themselves strong are given to devastation, 'recover strength.'

So that the spoiled shall come - `devastation,' or destruction shall come upon' (Maurer). The English version expresses that, strong as Israel fancies herself after the successes of Jeroboam II (2 Kings 14:25), even the weakest can be made by God to prevail.

Against the fortress - i:e., against the strongest. The Hebrew for fortress [ mibtsaar (H4013)] expresses that "the strong" fancied it cut off all approach.

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