Ye that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near;

Ye that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near - "put far away," literally, with aversion. They assigned it a distance [the force of the lª-]: hamªnadiym (H5077) lªyom. Ye persuade yourselves that "the evil day" foretold by the prophets is "far off," though they declare it near (Ezekiel 12:22; Ezekiel 12:27: cf. Amos 6:27 ). Ye in your imagination put it far off, and therefore bring near violent oppression, suffering it to sit enthroned, as it were, among you (Psalms 94:20). The notion of judgment being far off has always been an incentive to the sinner's recklessness of living (Ecclesiastes 8:12; Matthew 24:48). That very recklessness brings near the evil day which he puts far off. 'Ye bring on fever by your intemperance, and yet would put it far off' (Calvin).

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