There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

That useth divination, х qoceem (H7081) qªcaamiym (H7080); Septuagint, manteuomenos manteian]. х qaacam (H7080), denotes primarily to divide, and thence to determine by lot or divination, particularly the three favourite methods of divining specified by Ezekiel (Ezekiel 21:21). The verb is applied to soothsayers (Joshua 13:22; 1 Samuel 6:2), to necromancers (1 Samuel 28:8), and to false prophets among the Hebrews (Micah 3:6; Micah 3:11). The phrase appears to be used here, not to describe any particular branch of divination, but to serve as a general introduction to the various arts about to be enumerated (see Rosenmuller in hoe loco, Havernick's Historico-Critical Introduction to the Old Testament').]

An observer of times, х mª`owneen (H6049), participle of a verb signifying to cloud or gather clouds; and hence, some interpret the word here, 'an observer of clouds;' while others, tracing its derivation to `ayin (H5869), an eye, render it 'a fascinator with the evil eye.']

It is uncertain what kind of divination is referred to. [The Septuagint has here kleedonizomenos, as if the art consisted in some peculiarity of voice or sound, whereas it uses elsewhere ornithoskopeesesthe, inspect birds (see the note at Leviticus 19:26).]

Or an enchanter, х uwmnacheesh (H5172)] - or an observer of serpents [one who practiced ofiomanteia, and uttered a low hissing sound, in imitation of those reptiles (Bochart, 'Hierozoicon:' see the note at Leviticus 19:26). The Septuagint has: oioonizomenos.]

Or a witch, х uwmkasheep (H3784), participle, Piel] - a practitioner in magic, a sorcerer (Exodus 7:11; Daniel 2:2; Malachi 3:5); used in the feminine form, Exodus 22:18. [Septuagint, farmakos.]

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