Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.

Their wine is the poison of dragons, х chªmat (H2534) taniynim (H8577), the heat] - i:e. (as ulcerating the bowels), the poison or venom of serpents.

And the cruel venom of asps, х wªro'sh (H7219) ... 'akzaar (H393)] - the violent deadly poison х pªtaaniym (H6620)] of asps or adders. [Septuagint, thumos aspidoon aniatos, the incurable poison of asps.] The Pethen is in all probability the Boetoen of the Arabs, the Colyber naja of Egypt. It is described by Forskall as being 'wholly spotted (in blotches) black and white, a foot in length, nearly 2 inches thick, oviparous. Its bite is instant death; the body of the wounded person swells greatly' (Taylor's 'Fragments' in Calmet).

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