In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:

In whom - as holding together the whole.

All the (so A C; but B Delta G 'Aleph (') omit the: 'every') building - structure.

Fitly framed - so as exactly to fit together.

Growth - `is growing' continually. Here an additional thought is added: the Church has the growth of a living organism besides the solid increase of a building. Compare , "lively stones ... built up a spiritual house." Compare ; , "the Branch shall build the temple of the Lord."

Holy - being the "habitation of God" (). So 'in the Lord' (Christ) answers to "through (IN) the Spirit" (: cf. Ephesians 3:16). Christ is the element in which the Church has its temple-like symmetry and its branch-like growth.

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