Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

Dead in sins - `dead in our [ tois (G3588), the] trespasses.'

Quickened - `vivified' spiritually; by consequence, hereafter, corporally. There must be a spiritual resurrection of the soul before there can be a comfortable resurrection of the body (Pearson) (John 11:25; Romans 8:11).

Together with Christ. The Head being seated at God's right hand, the body also sits there with Him (Chrysostom). We are already seated there IN Him ("in Christ Jesus," Ephesians 2:6), and hereafter shall be seated by Him: IN Him already as in our Head, which is the ground of our hope; by Him hereafter, as by the conferring cause, when hope shall be swallowed up in fruition (Pearson). What God did in Christ, He did (by the very fact) in all united to and one with Christ.

(By grace ye are saved), [ sesoosmenoi (G4982)] - 'ye are in a saved state.' Not merely 'ye are being saved,' but already "passed from death unto life" (John 5:24). Salvation is to the Christian not to be waited for hereafter, but already, in some degree, realized (1 John 3:14). This parenthetic clause (cf. Ephesians 2:8) is to make them feel what otherwise their remaining corruptions would make them doubt-namely, their present fellowship in the quickening with Christ. Not their works, but God's grace throughout, is the sole source of salvation; hence, he says "ye," not 'we.'

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