To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

God's design in giving Paul grace to proclaim to the Gentiles the mystery of salvation heretofore hidden.

Now - first: opposed to 'hidden from the beginning of the world' ().

Unto the principalities and (Greek, 'the') powers - unto the various orders of good angels primarily, who dwell 'in the heavenly places:' "known" to their adoring joy (; ). Secondarily, unto evil angels, who dwell "in heavenly places" in a lower sense-the air (cf. with ). But God's power, rather than His "wisdom," is what is "known" unto evil angels, to their dismay (; ).

By (through) the church - the 'theater' for displaying God's wisdom (; , Greek): the mirror in which angels contemplate it. Angels are but our "fellow-servants" ().

The manifold wisdom - which varies the economy as to places, times, and persons (Isaiah 55:8; ), yet makes the various parts to work together to one end (cf. ). Man cannot understand it aright until he can survey it as a connected whole (). The call of the Church is no remedial afterthought, but part of the eternal scheme, which, amidst manifold varieties of dispensation, is one in its end.

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