And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Unfruitful works of darkness. Sins, being terminated in themselves, are called "works," not 'fruits' (; ). Their only fruit, (if the term is to be used) () is "death" (; ). Plants cannot bear "fruit" in the absence of light. Sin is "darkness;" its parent the prince of darkness, (). Graces, as flourishing in "the light," are reproductive, and abound in fruits; which, as harmoniously combining in one whole, are singular - "the FRUIT of the Spirit" ().

Rather ... - Greek, 'rather, even reprove them' (cf. Matthew 5:14). Not only 'have no fellowship, but even reprove them,' in words (; ; ; ). Not that we can be avoid all contact (), but 'avoid such fellowship as will defile you;' just as light, though it touch filth, is not soiled by it; nay, as light detects it, so 'even reprove sin.'

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