That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

He, ['Aleph (') A B Delta G f g, Vulgate, read autos (G846) for auteen (G846)] - 'that He might Himself present unto Himself the Church glorious' (the article marks the subject, and its absence the predicate [ endoxon (G1741) teen (G3588) ekkleesian (G1577)]); namely, as a bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). He alone presents her: not paranymphs or attendants: He alone receives her. Holiness and glory are inseparable. 'Cleansing' is the preliminary to both. Holiness is glory internal; glory is holiness shining out. It is Christ that prepares the Church with the ornaments of grace, for presentation to Himself at His coming again as Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1, etc.; Revelation 19:7; Revelation 21:2).

Not having spot (Song of Solomon 4:7). The visible Church contains clean and unclean together, like Noah's ark; like the wedding room which contained some that had, and others that had not, the wedding garment (Matthew 22:10: cf. 2 Timothy 2:20); or as the good and bad fish are in the same net, because the fishermen are unable to know what kind of fish the nets have taken under the waves. Still, the Church is "holy" in her ideal and destination. When the Bridegroom comes, she shall be presented to Him without spot, the evil being cut off from the body forever (Matthew 13:47-40). Not that there are two churches, but one and the same Church in relation to different times-now with good and evil together; hereafter with good alone (Pearson).

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