So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.

Moses, Aaron, and Hur, went up to the top of the hill. Hur, [Septuagint, Hoor; Josephus, Houroon] appears to have been a person of note and influence in the camp-which arose, it may be, in addition to his personal merits, from his intimate relation by family ties to Moses and Aaron, having been, according to Jewish tradition ('Antiq.,' b. 3:, ch. 2:, sec. 4), the husband of Miriam (see further the notes at 31:2; 35:30; 38:22; 1 Chronicles 2:19; 1 Chronicles 4:1). His association with Moses and Aaron, on this and a subsequent occasion of solemn importance and interest (Exodus 24:14) attests the eminence both of his social position and his piety.

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