Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning.

Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread - literally, upon leavened bread; i:e., until all leaven has been completely removed from your houses. Many refer this to the Passover, which was pre-eminently the Lord's sacrifice. Leaven being regarded as an emblem of impurity or corruption, was, in preparing for this national feast of communion with Yahweh, to be carefully removed; unleavened bread only was to be eaten during the continuance of the feast; and this typified the necessity of sanctification to the people of God in the prospect of sacred communion with Him in the feast of the Christian Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7).

Neither shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning - (see the note at Exodus 12:10.) This, as well as the preceding clause, is commonly understood, from a comparison with Exodus 34:25, as referring to the sacrificial lamb of the Passover. There is no mention, however, of fat in that parallel passage; and hence, as not the fat only, but the whole carcass of the paschal lamb, even the purtenance thereof, was to be eaten, without any portion being left until morning, Keil interprets the words х cheeleb (H2459) chagiy (H2282)], not the fat of my sacrifice, but the best and richest of my feast-namely, the Passover. This, however, seems to be a forced interpretation; and a more natural one seems to be to consider the general terms which are employed in both clauses susceptible of a wider application to all the three great feasts spoken of in the preceding context. For every sacrifice was accompanied by a minchaah, a meat offering or cake of flour, into the composition of which it was expressly forbidden that leaven should be introduced (Leviticus 2:11). And the occurrence in the second clause of х chag (H2282)] the common word for a feast, seems to furnish an additional warrant for giving this extended import to the verse. 'Neither shall the fat of my festive offering (Psalms 118:27; Malachi 2:3) remain until morning;' for the fat of every sacrifice was consecrated to God by being wholly consumed on the altar (Leviticus 3:16).

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