And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all of blue.

The robe of the ephod, х mª`iyl (H4598)] - an exterior tunic, larger and fuller than the common one, worn by persons of rank and distinction (1 Samuel 18:4; 1 Samuel 24:5; 1 Samuel 24:12; 2 Samuel 13:18; Job 1:20; Job 2:12), and by priests (Ezra 9:3; Ezra 9:5), especially by the high priest (Exodus 28:31; Exodus 39:22). It was the middle garment, under the ephod and above the coat. It had a hole through which the head was thrust, and was formed carefully of one piece, such as was the coat of Christ (John 19:23). The high priest's was of a sky-blue colour. The binding of this corslet at the neck was strongly woven, and it terminated below in a fringe, made of blue, purple, and scarlet tassels, in the form of a ponegranate interspersed with small bells of gold, which tinkled as the wearer was in motion (see Hengstenberg, 'Egypt and Books of Moses,' p. 142).

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