And he said, To morrow. And he said, Be it according to thy word: that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the LORD our God.

And he said, Tomorrow. Calvin thinks that the plague instantly ceased, and Pharaoh's reason for fixing the next day as the time was, that after obtaining a promise from Moses to intercede for the removal of the plague, he formed the secret purpose of departing from his engagement to permit the departure of the Israelites. But there does not seem any good foundation for such a view either of the immediate removal of the plague, or of the king's deceitful procrastination. According to the obvious tenor of the passage, the promise of relief was, on Pharaoh's suggestion, made for the morrow, and the intercession of Moses proceeded upon that promise. Perhaps the true explanation is, that Moses and Aaron had been sent for to the palace late in the evening, and the monarch, judging as a pagan that the God of the Hebrews would not be prevailed on without many 'vain repetitions,' designed to afford ample time for prayer, by fixing the following day as the period of deliverance.

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