And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs:

I will smite ... х nogeep (H5062)] - smite by the infliction of a divine judgment; I will plague х batsªpardª`iym (H6854)], with the frogs-from х tsaapar (H6852)], to leap-a marsh-leaper (Gesenius) [Septuagint, tois batrachois]. Egypt abounds with frogs of various sorts; but as on the cessation of this plague the reptiles were confined to the river-it has been concluded that those aquatic animals were Ranae Niloticae, which, after the subsidence of the annual inundation, are engendered on the putrid mud (cf. Psalms 105:30, where it is called "the land"). They are called Dofda by the natives-are small, of an ashy hue, and dotted with green spots. The feet are marked by transverse bands, and the toes are separate to halt their length. Those animals, though the natural spawn of the river, and therefore objects familiar to the people, were on this occasion multiplied to an amazing extent; and it is probable that the ova of the frogs, which had been previously deposited in the mire and marshes, were miraculously brought to perfection at once.

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