And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs:

Bed-chamber - literally, the chamber of thy lying (2 Samuel 4:7).

Bed - mats strewed on the floor, as well as more sumptuous divans of the rich.

Ovens, х uwbtanuwreykaa (H8574)]. The Tannur is a clay jar, about three feet high, with a narrow orifice at the top, but widening toward the bottom, where there is a hole for taking out the ashes. Sometimes it consists of a rude hole in the ground, the sides of which are plastered with mortar. [Septugint, en tois freasi, in the pits.]

Kneading troughs. Those used in Egypt were bowls of wood, wicker, or rush-work. When the kneading trough was large, they trode the dough with their feet, and afterward moulded it into cakes with their hands; but where the bowl was small, they used the hands only (Rawlinson's 'Herodotus,' b. 2:, ch. 36). What must have been the state of the people when they could find no means of escape from the cold, damp touch, and disgusting presence of the frogs, which alighted on every article and vessel of food! To a people who affected the most scrupulous purity, nothing could be more intolerable than this plague, from which even the proud monarch, with all his abundance of resources and appliances, had no means of protection; for the filthy intruders, not content with covering the fields, swarmed in the palaces of the great, no less than in the more exposed tenements of the poor.

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