As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

So then [ ara (G686) oun (G3767)], according (i:e., in proportion) as we have season (i:e., opportunity), let us work [ ergazoometha (G2038): distinct from poiountes (G4160), 'do,' Galatians 6:9 ] that which is (in each case) good' [ to (G3588) agathon (G18)]. As thou art able, while thou art able, when thou art able (Ecclesiastes 9:10). We have now the "season" for sowing, as there will be hereafter the "due season" (Galatians 6:9) for reaping. The whole life is the 'seasonable opportunity;' in a narrower sense, there occur in it especially convenient seasons. These are lost in looking for still more convenient seasons (Acts 24:25). We shall not always have the opportunity "we have" now. Satan is sharpened to the greater zeal in evil-doing by the shortness of his time (Revelation 12:12). Let us be sharpened to the greater zeal in well-doing by the shortness of ours.

Them who are of the household, [who peculiarly belong to: tous (G3588) oikeious (G3609) tees (G3588) pisteoos (G4102)]

Of faith. Every right-minded man does well to his own family (1 Timothy 5:8); so believers are to do to the household of faith - i:e., those whom faith has made members of "the household of God" (Ephesians 2:19; 1 Timothy 3:15; 1 Peter 4:17).

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