Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine:

God give thee of the dew. To an Oriental mind this phraseology implied the highest flow of prosperity. The copious fall of dew is indispensable to the fruitfulness of lands which would be otherwise arid and sterile through the violent heat; and it abounds most in hilly regions, such as Canaan, hence, called the fat land (Nehemiah 9:25; Nehemiah 9:35).

The fatness of the earth - i:e., fat fields, fertile regions.

Plenty of corn and wine. Palestine was famous for vineyards, and it produced varieties of grain-namely, wheat, barley, oats, and rye. Grain and wine (vine) are specified, because they are the two most generous plants raised by human culture, and which are closely connected with the primitive history of man.

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