And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. Eve answered well. She displayed wisdom in extolling the extent of the liberty which God had granted to her and her partner, ingenuous honesty in adhering to the divine command as she had received it, and in rehearsing it as of unquestionable certainty; and although, in introducing the phrase, "neither shall ye touch it," (Genesis 3:3) she was adding words not found in the authentic form of the divine command, and apparently mistaking the real ground on which the interdict had been given, she evidently spoke under a sincere and strong impression of the strict and inviolable character of the prohibition.

However, the closing words, "lest ye die," seem to imply that she ascribed the prohibition to the dangerous nature of the tree, and in the expression of that opinion showed the weakness of her faith.

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