And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard.

Sold him ... unto Potiphar, [Septuagint, Petefree] - i:e. belonging to the sun.

An officer, х cªriyc (H5631)] - properly a eunuch [Septuagint, spadoon]; often used in a general sense as an officer of court (Esther 1:10).

Pharoah's - i:e., according to some, Ph-ouro, 'the king;' but far more likely, Ph-rah, 'the sun,' an official title borne by the kings of Egypt from the earliest times (see the note at Genesis 12:15). Captain of the guard, х sar (H8269) haTabaachiym (H2876)] - chief or prefect of the king's body-guard, or of the executioners (see parallel phrase, 2 Kings 25:8; Jeremiah 39:9, since, in the East, these offices were conjoined. [The Septuagint renders the word by archimageiros, principal cook; Rashi, chief of the slanghtermen of the royal cattle]. But the view adopted by our translators is most generally supported. To this day the kapuaghey, or captain of the white eunuchs, is also chief of the kapidgis, or body guards of the Sultan.

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