And Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech:

Methuselah - or Methusala (Luke 3:37), the man of the dart (Gesenius) - literally, man of sending, particularly with reference to water, and hence, the name Siloam (sent, John 9:7), given to a pool at Jerusalem. Hales interprets the name as signifying, 'He shall send his death;' and referring to the time when this patriarch was to die. His inspired father, who had announced the approaching judgment of God for the wickedness of his contemporaries (Jude 1:14-15), probably bestowed upon his son the name of Methuselah as prophetic of the threatened flood; and accordingly it is computed that Methuselah died that very year in which the deluge commenced. He is the oldest patriarch on record. 'God,' says Hales, 'adding to the son what he had taken from the father.'

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