But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

A certain - an indescribable. The indefiniteness, as of something special, makes the description the more terrible [cf. tina (G5101), James 1:18 ]. Looking for, [ ekdochee (G1561)] - 'expectation.' Alford strangely translates 'reception,' the classic sense. Contrast Christ's "expecting" [the kindred verb, ekdechomenos (G1551)] (Hebrews 10:13) and Abraham's 'looking for a city which hath foundations,' which refutes Alford.

Fiery indignation - literally, 'zeal of fire.' Fire is personified: zeal of Him who is "a consuming fire" (Isaiah 59:17).

Devour - present: continually.

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