Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

Hope is represented on coins by an anchor.

Sure and stedfast - sure [ asfalee (G804): not disappointing] in respect to us: stedfast [ bebaian (G949)] in itself. Not an anchor that will not keep the vessel from tossing; or unsound or too light (Theophylact).

Which entereth into that (i:e., the place) within [ to (G3588 ) esooteron (G2082 )] the veil. Two images beautifully combined:

(1) The soul is the ship; the world, the sea; the bliss beyond the world, the distant coast; hope resting on faith, the anchor which prevents the vessel being tossed to and fro; the encouraging consolation through the promise and oath of God, the cable connecting the ship and anchor.

(2) The world is the forecourt; heaven, the Holy of holies; Christ, the High Priest going before us, so as to enable us, after Him, and through Him, to enter within the veil. Estius, 'As the anchor does not stay in the waters, but enters the ground hidden beneath, and fastens in it, so hope, our anchor, is not satisfied with merely coming to the vestibule - i:e., with merely earthly and visible goods-but penetrates even to those within the veil, to the Holy of holies, where it lays hold on God Himself, and heavenly goods.' 'Hope, entering within heaven, hath made us already to be in the things promised, even while we are still below, and have not yet received them; such strength hope has, as to make those that are earthly to become heavenly' (Theophylact). 'The soul clings, as one in fear of shipwreck, to an anchor, and sees not where the cable of the anchor runs-where it is fastened; but she knows that it is fastened behind the veil which hides the future glory; and that if only she hold on to the anchor, she shall in her time be drawn in where it is, into the Holiest place, by the hand of the Deliverer' (Ebrard in Alford).

Veil - the second veil which shut in the Holiest place. [The outer veil was called kalumma; the second, or inner veil, katapetasma (G2665).]

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