Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

The absence of the Greek article requires (Alford) 'Where, AS forerunner in behalf of [ huper (G5228)] us, entered Jesus' (and is now; implied in the 'where' [ hopou (G3699)]: "Whither" is understood, taken out of "where," Whither Jesus entered, and where He is now).

For us - implies that it was not for Himself He needed to enter there, but as our High Priest, representing and opening the way to us, by His intercession with the Father, as the Aaronic high priest entered the Holiest once a year to make propitiation for the people. The first-fruits of our nature are ascended: so the rest is sanctified. Christ's ascension is our promotion; where the glory of the Head has preceded, there the hope of the body, too, is called. We ought to keep festal day, since Christ has taken up and set in the heavens the first fruit of our lump, that is, the human flesh (Chrysostom). As John Baptist was Christ's fore-runner on earth, so Christ is ours in heaven.

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