It shall be also carried unto Assyria for a present to king Jareb: Ephraim shall receive shame, and Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel.

It shall be also carried unto Assyria. The Hebrew for "It" is emphatic: itself. Not only Israel, but Israel's god, shall be carried captive-a proof of its impotence. The calf, so far from saving its worshippers from deportation, itself shall be carried off; hence, "Israel shall be ashamed of it.

Jareb - (note, ). 'A present to the king (whom they looked to as) their defender,' or else avenger, whose wrath they wished to appease-namely, Shalmaneser-but who shall prove to be God's avenger against them. The minor states applied this title to the Great King, as the avenging Protector. Pusey explains Jareb here the strifeful king: the Assyrian history appears, from their own inscriptions, to have been one perpetual warfare.

Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel - the calves which Jeroboam set up as a stroke of policy to detach Israel from Judah. Their severance from Judah and Yahweh proved now to be not politic but fatal to them.

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