And now will I discover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers, and none shall deliver her out of mine hand.

And now will I discover her lewdness - [ nablutaah (H5040)], literally, folly, and so foulness. Scripture regards sin and folly as essentially one; and holiness and wisdom as synonymous. Sin, decked out in worldly gauds, and covered with the showy mask of prosperity, looks attractive, and the sinner is in high repute, "for man will praise thee when thou doest well to thyself" (Psalms 49:18). But when, God strips off the prosperity given to "cover" the sinner's "nakedness" (Hosea 2:9), then He "discovers" the sinner's real folly and foulness, and men no longer dazzled by the glitter, despise the unmasked sinner. "The shame of her nakedness;" laying aside the figure, "I will expose her in her state, bereft of every necessary, before her lovers' - i:e., the idols (personified, as if they could see), who, nevertheless, can give her no help. "Discover" is appropriate to stripping off the self-flatteries of her hypocrisy.

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