And they have not cried unto me with their heart, when they howled upon their beds: they assemble themselves for corn and wine, and they rebel against me. And they have not cried unto me with their heart - but unto other gods (Maurer). (Job 35:9.) Or, rather, they did indeed cry unto me, but not "with their heart:" answering to "lies," Hosea 7:13 (see note).

When they howled upon their beds - sleepless with anxiety. Image of deep affliction. Their cry is termed howling, as it is the cry of anguish, not the cry of repentance and faith.

They assemble themselves for corn ... - literally, 'assemble themselves tumultuously' [ guwd (H1464)] - namely, in the temples of their idols, to obtain from them a good harvest and vintage (like the tumultuous clamouring of Baal's priests to their idol, when they were gathered against Elijah on mount Carmel), instead of coming to me, the true Giver of these (Hosea 2:5; Hosea 2:8; Hosea 2:12), proving that their cry to God was not "with their heart."

And they rebel against me - lit, 'withdraw themselves (or turn aside) against me' - i:e., not only withdrew from me, but also rebel against me.

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