Terrors shall make him afraid on every side, and shall drive him to his feet.

Terrors - often mentioned in this book (Job 18:14; Job 24:17, etc.) The terrors excited through an evil conscience are here personified. 'Magor-missabib,' fear round about (Jeremiah 20:3).

Drive ... to his feet - rather, shall pursue (literally, scatter, Habakkuk 3:14) him close at his heels (literally, immediately after his feet; Habakkuk 3:5, "Burning coals went forth at his feet;" Isaiah 41:2; Genesis 30:30, margin; 1 Samuel 25:42 Hebrew: or wherever he sets his feet, wheresoever he turns). The image is that of a pursing conqueror who scatters the enemy (Umbreit).

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