And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.

Skin for skin - a proverb. Supply "He will give". The skin is figurative for any outward good. Nothing outward is so dear that a man will not exchange it for some other outward good; but (not yea) life, the inward good, cannot be replaced-a man will sacrifice everything else for its sake. Satan sneers bitterly at man's egotism, and says, Job is willing to part with property and children, because these are mere outward and exchangeable goods, but he will give up all things, even his religion, in order to save his life, if you touch his hones and flesh. Skin and life are in antithesis (Umbreit). The martyrs prove Satan's sneer false.

Rosenmuller explains it not so well, A man willingly gives up another's skin (life) for his own skin (life). So Job might bear the loss of his children, etc., with equanimity so long as he remained unhurt himself; but when touched in his own person he would he would renounce God. Thus, the first "skin" means, the other's skin, i:e., body; the second "skin," one's own, as in Exodus 21:23.

Maurer explains as English version, "skin for skin" - i:e., proverbially, equivalent for equivalent, "And all that a man hath will he give for his life" - i:e., And accordingly, Job, inasmuch as regarding his life still unimpaired to be an equivalent for all things else which he hath lost, may easily take his losses patiently. I prefer this.

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