Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.

Curse God - rather, renounce God. See the notes at Job 1:1; Job 5:1, (Umbreit.) Gesenius translates. 'Bless God' (as Job had done, Job 1:21, "Blessed be the name of the Lord") 'and die' - i:e., Bless God however much you may, you must die. She ironically tells him, "Go on blessing God, and all you get for it is dying!" So, often, two or more imperatives are joined, the last expressing the result (cf. Isaiah 8:9, Hebrew). However, it was usual among the pagans, when disappointed in their prayers accompanied with offerings to their gods, to reproach and curse them.

And die - i:e., 'take thy farewell of God and so die.' For no good is to be gotten out of religion, either here or hereafter; or, at least, not in this life (Gill). Nothing makes the ungodly so angry as to see the godly under trial NOT angry!

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