His children shall seek to please the poor, and his hands shall restore their goods.

Seek to please - `atone to the poor' (by restoring the property of which they been robbed by the father) (DeWette). "The children" are reduced to the humiliating condition of 'seeking the favour of those very poor' whom the father had oppressed. х Yªratsuw (H7521) is taken by the English version from raatsaah (H7521), to delight, or please; but by Maurer and Umbreit, from raatsats (H7533) to break, or oppress as margin; and so the old versions.] 'The poor shall oppress his sons:' the very poor who had been reduced to want by the oppression of the father.

His hands - rather, their (the children's) hands.

Their goods - the goods of the poor. Righteous retribution! (Exodus 20:5.)

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