Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me.

An objection suggests itself while he utters the wish (Job 23:5). Do I hereby wish that He should plead against me with His omnipotence? Far from it (Job 9:19; Job 9:34; Job 13:21; Job 30:18).

Strength - so as to prevail with Him: a in Jacob's case, when lamed, and unable, therefore, to wrestle any longer in his own strength, he hung on the angel of the Lord with his whole weight, and, strengthened by the strength which God put in him, he prevailed (Hosea 12:3). Umbreit and Maurer translate as in Job 4:20 (I only wish that He) 'would attend to me'-literally, turn (His attention) to me х leeb (H3820) yaasiym (H7760) biy (H871a) being understood]: i:e., give me a patient hearing, as an ordinary judge, not using. His omnipotence, but only His divine knowledge of my innocence. I prefer the English version:

(1) Because the Hebrew [bª-] is "in" rather than 'to;'

(2) Because "strength" or 'power' is more naturally supplied from the former clause than 'attention' or 'heart.'

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