And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds: but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them.

Cleanseth - i:e., cleareth the air of clouds. When the "light" of the sun (the same Hebrew is translated light here and sun in Job 31:26), previously 'not seen' through "clouds," suddenly shines out from behind them, owing to 'the wind clearing them away,' the effect is dazzling to the eye; so, if God's majesty, now hidden, were suddenly revealed in all its brightness, it would spread 'darkness' over Job's eyes, anxious as he is for it (cf. note, Job 37:19). (Umbreit.) Translate, literally, 'Now men see not the sun (light); it shineth in (i:e., behind) the clouds; but the wind passeth and cleanseth them.' The Hebrew for "bright" х baahiyr (H925)] is rather 'it shineth.' It is because 'now man sees not the bright sunlight' (God's dazzling majesty), owing to the intervening "clouds" (Job 26:9), that they dare to wish to "speak" before God (Job 37:20), as Job does. Prelude to God's appearance (Job 38:1). The words also hold true in a sense not intended by Elihu, but perhaps included by the Holy Spirit. Job and other sufferers cannot see the light of God's countenance through the clouds of trial; but the wind will soon clear them off, and God shall appear again: let them but wait patiently, because He still shines, though for a time they see Him not (see note, Job 37:23).

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