Men do therefore fear him: he respecteth not any that are wise of heart.

Do - rather, ought.

Wise - in their own conceits.


(1) None of the operations in nature are haphazard-they are all under God's immediate direction (Job 37:3). The lightning flash has its appointed destination, and fulfils God's pleasure, in perfect obedience to His 'guidance' (Job 37:12). Nor is it only in the more awful phenomena of nature that God's glory is to be discerned, but also in the more ordinary and quiet changes of the weather, frost or snow, showers and rain: all of which God uses as instruments either of chastisement or of mercy (Job 37:13).

(2) We can explain perfectly not one of God's wonderful doings in the visible sky (Job 37:15): how presumptuous, then, is it not for such ignorant creatures to think of contending with their Almighty Maker! When we cannot as much as gaze at the dazzling light, of the material sun, bursting forth from behind a cloud, how can we imagine that we can for a moment confront the revealed majesty of the infinitely glorious Yahweh! Every mouth must be stopped, every eye blinded, and every understanding bewildered, of those who dare to enter into controversy with Him. The rebels can only call upon the rocks, Hide us from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne! (Job 37:19; Revelation 6:16)

(3) Trials, like clouds, will pass away in God's good time, if we patiently wait and believingly pray. The light always shines, but is not always to be seen: the sun's beams are as bright as ever, but clouds intercept them from us. So God's love is ever the same, but sins and sorrows often, through our unbelief, hide from us the light of His countenance. The Spirit of God is the cleansing wind that clears off from the soul the mists of ignorance, unbelief, and sin. And though we cannot find Him out in His infinite perfections, we are sure, if we be His children, "He will not always chide, neither will He keep His anger for ever" (Psalms 103:9): for His character is that "He doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men" (Job 37:23; Lamentations 3:32): and while "He respecteth not the wise of heart'' in their own conceits (Job 37:24), He will withdraw the rod from those in whom correction has completed the end designed-deeper penitence, meekness, and humility.

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