If God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers do stoop under him.

If God - or else, 'God will not withdraw His anger' - i:e., so long as a mortal obstinately resists (Umbreit).

The proud helpers - the arrogant, who would help one contending with the Almighty, are of no avail, however mighty, against Him-literally, 'the helpers of pride,' or fierce haughtiness х `ozªreey (H5826) rahab (H7293)] (the name applied to Egypt, Isaiah 51:9). Maurer shows the connection of the clauses this verse better than Umbreit's view above. God does not suffer Himself to be withdrawn or hindered by any opponent from performing whatever in His anger He has purposed, and so those who in haughty reliance on their might venture to help God's opponents have to bow beneath Him. The "if" in the English version is hot in the Hebrew, and is not needed for the sense.

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