Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life.

Though I were perfect, yet would not know my soul - literally (here and in Job 9:20), 'I perfect! I should not know my soul! I would despise (disown) my life' - i:e., Though conscious of innocence, I should be compelled, in contending with the infinite God, to ignore my own soul, and despise my past life as if it were guilty (Rosenmuller). Umbreit and Maurer translate, 'I am innocent: I regard (so know means, Genesis 39:6; Psalms 1:6) not my soul, I despise my life" - i:e., I profess my innocence at all costs; even though my life must pay for this avowal I care not. But the English version accords better with Job 9:20, latter clause, and with the acknowledgment of Job, Job 9:30.

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