Heshbon, and all her cities that are in the plain; Dibon, and Bamothbaal, and Beth-baal-meon,

Heshbon - (see the note at Joshua 12:2; Numbers 21:26.)

Dibon - (see the note at Joshua 13:9.)

Bamoth-baal - (see the note at Numbers 21:20; Numbers 22:41.)

Beth-baal-meon (the house or habitations of Baal) - or Baal-meon, now the ruins of Main, situated like Heshbon, from which it is about two miles distant (Burckhardt, 2:, 624), in the Abarim range, on an eminence on the south bank of the Waleh, which commands an extensive view of the subjacent plains (see the notes at Numbers 32:3; Numbers 32:37) (Seetzen, p. 431; Burckhardt, p. 632). Dibon (H1769), Bajith х ha-Bayith (H1006) = Beth-baal-meon], and Bamoth-baal х ha-Baamowt (H1120] - these three places are all mentioned as contiguous (Isaiah 15:2).

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