And Kedesh, and Hazor, and Ithnan,

(6) And Kedesh, [Septuagint, Kadees] - supposed by Dr. Robinson to be 'Ain, el-Weibeh; but far more likely, by Rowland, to be 'Ain Kadeis, situated 'to the east of the highest part of Jebel Halal, toward the northern extremity, about 12 miles to the east-southeast of Moilahhi, near the point at which the longitude of Khulasah intersects the latitude of 'Ain el-Weibeh' (Williams' 'Holy City,' pp. 488-491) (7) Hazor, and Ithnan. Omitting "and," which in all probability was inserted through the error of a transcriber, the name of this place should be Hazor-ithnan, which may be presumed to be the correct form-the Septuagint making them one word [Asoroonain]. Its site is unknown, although Wilton conjecturally places it at Hhora, north of Beer-sheba.

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