And Hazar-gaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet,

(14) And Hazar-gaddah - i:e., the enclosure of the kid (as En-gedi), identified by Wilton with Tamar (Ezekiel 47:19), the Thamara of the classics, in Wady Mubughik between Jebel and Wady Hudhrur and Wady Nedjid, at the southwestern extremity of the Dead Sea. But Eusebius and Jerome place Thamar at Kurnub (Reland, 'Palaestina,' p. 1031). (15) And Heshmon - placed by the same writer in Wady Hasb (cf. Joshua 15:3).

(16) And Beth-palet - so caller probably from the name of its founder, Peleth (1 Chronicles 2:26). From its position in this list before Hazar-shual and Beer-sheba, and also from its close association with Moladah, a limited range is marked within which it must be sought. 'Its site is probably found in the ruin called Jerrah, near the juncture of the Wadies 'Ar'ar'ah and Milh, Moladah. Here, therefore, I venture provisionally to locate Beth-palet; and in the present designation of the ruin (Jerrah) I am not indisposed to recognize a fragment of the name of Jerahmeel, the common ancestor of Peleth and Molid' ('Negeb, p. 136).

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