Baalah, and Iim, and Azem,

(20) And Iim. Wilton, founding on a comparison of this list with those in Joshua 19:1 and 1 Chronicles 4:1, considers Iim = Azem, as if the word, like its analogue (Numbers 33:44; Numbers 33:47), should be Ije-azem, or Azmon (Joshua 15:4; Numbers 34:4), or Kesam (Targum of Jonathan), which is placed at a ruin, el-'Ab'deh or el-'Aujeh, near a wady called Kausaimeh by Robinson, and Aseimeh by Rowland; while the ancient name is perpetuated in that of the dominant Arab tribe of the district, the Azazimeh (singular, Azmy). 'Iim means ruins, and so does 'Aujeh. It is applied, according to Robinson, to a conical hill crowned by the ruins of a town north of Jericho. Here, too, in the 'Aujeh of the Negeb, the same meaning is expressed-namely, the hill or rocky ridge on which the too, in the 'Aujeh of the Negeb, the same meaning is expressed-namely, the hill or rocky ridge on which the ancient ruins are situated' ('Negeb,' pp. 155-177).

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